Equine Sports Massage (Horse)
Service Description
Please Note; This option is for Horses only. For Ponies standing 12 hands or smaller please select the 'Equine Sports Massage (Pony)' option. What's included in a session: - Motion and discomfort evaluations, as well as history/ issues discussion. - Full body massage using a variety of tissue-manipulating techniques. - Red light applied to areas of tension (where necessary). - Case specific stretches and future recommendations. What is Equine Sports massage? The hands-on manipulation of equine muscles, fascia, tendons, and ligaments to achieve supple musculoskeletal tissues and the facilitation of restoring function. The benefits range, including: - Stimulating circulation (of blood flow, and lymph flow) - Stimulating neural responses - Reduce tension - Relieve adhesions or restricted tissue - Increasing range of motion and flexibility - Decreasing pain perception - Stimulating relaxation

Booking policy
Booking Prerequisites and acknowledgements: Veterinary consent is required for horses/ponies that are under veterinary supervision or if EJS Equine Therapies recommends veterinary attention. A consent form will be sent for approval before treatment proceeds. Disregard if your horse is healthy and not under veterinary supervision. If your horse/pony is injured or becomes ill before the appointment, contact Emma to discuss treatment feasibility and consult with vet. Please ensure your horse is hydrated, clean, dry, and not pregnant before treatments and provide a safe environment for the massage. Avoid booking appointments during disruptive times (e.g., feeding/turn-out times) to ensure a productive session. Notify EJS Equine Therapies immediately in case of contagious disease outbreaks on your property (e.g. Hendra virus, strangles, or ringworm). Appointments are at the owner's risk. EJS Equine Therapies is not liable for any accidents/injuries to equines/handlers during the appointment. EJS Equine Therapies cannot diagnose any problems your horse/pony may have. Equine Massage Therapy aims to complement and aid in musculoskeletal recovery but does not replace veterinary care. Cancellation/ Payment Policy: Cancellations/rescheduling require at least 24 hours' notice. Late cancellations or no-shows incur a $45 fee. As a small business, last-minute cancellations can significantly impact us. Contact us in emergencies to discuss a plan. Payment is due by cash or card (EFTPOS) at the end of the appointment. Please note; A 1.9% surcharge applies with card payments. Horses: $90/session (1hr to 1.5hr) Ponies (12hands and shorter): $75/ session (45minutes to 1hr 15minutes)